
Allied Sector Education

The Office for Problem Gambling has created a suite of resources to educate allied sector professionals about gambling harm.

The resources include:

  • facts about gambling spend and harm in the South Australian community
  • quick reference guides for recognising gambling harm and understanding the gambling cycle
  • a conversation flow chart to assist professionals in asking clients about their gambling and what to say when clients seem reluctant to talk about gambling harm
  • a referral handbook that describes what gambling help services can offer allied sector professionals and clients

Training Events

The Office for Problem Gambling also supports allied sector training events.

To discuss hosting your own allied sector training event, contact the Office for Problem Gambling.

Click below to discover resources created for training events.

Learn More

Looking for information about self-exclusion or third party barring? Visit Consumer and Business Services

Looking for information about financial counselling services?
Visit the SAFCA website

Page last updated 1 October 2024